
Packaging – Processing – Printing – Logistics

ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS 2024 is the leading event for packaging and intralogistics, bringing together over 1,100 exhibitors and brands and 50,000 professionals from 80 countries.

A showcase for all innovations, serving sustainability, performance and profitability, it continues to support professionals in meeting the ecological challenges of today and tomorrow.

Innovation never stops.

See you from 4 to 7 November 2024 at the Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre!


INSTITUT TECHNIQUE AGRO-INDUSTRIEL engagé auprès des industriels des filières agroalimentaires pour FIABILISER & PÉRENNISER L’ALIMENTATION DE DEMAIN


AMERIPEN represents the North American market, furthering the best use of the role, benefits and functions of packaging in society, such as protection of products and the environment and supplying information to and meeting the needs of consumers and customers. AMERIPEN strives to promote fact- and science-based decision-making in order to advocate for a future where all production, distribution, and consumption are sustainable.Using sound science, AMERIPEN develops positions on issues related to packaging and the environment for purposes of stakeholder dialogue and governmental interaction. These issues include the environmental impact, marketing, sourcing, manufacture, and distribution of packaging throughout its lifecycle.
AMERIPEN engages and collaborates with existing industry organizations to leverage their expertise in areas of:
analyzing the environmental and social effects of packaging – creating a better understanding of the role of packaging – minimizing the environmental impact of packaging


ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel company, with operations in more than 60 countries.

Carton Ondulé de France


The Comité Français des Aerosols accompanies, informs and trains its members to the specificities of the aerosol industry.

Cercle National du Recyclage


Citeo is a not-for-profit company founded from the merger of Eco-Emballages and Ecofolio with a view to reduce the environmental impact of packaging and paper. 250 committed, passionate Citeo employees work to help companies find solutions to their recycling problems, advising them on environmental responsibility, optimizing low-cost sorting and recycling procedures and motivating the public to adopt user-friendly effective sorting

 We are proud to be a partner of The Citeo Circular Challenge. Since 2016, over 700 projects across the entire worlwide circular economy value chain have been identified! Register here to be the next one


The professional packaging organizations combined in the Clife to tackle the common issues of the packaging industry.

The Clife has to ensure a regular exchange of information on all questions of common interest related to the packaging industry and the context in which it is developing, take measures to inform, promote or defend the interests shared by the packaging industry and serve as a link between the packaging industry and the different external partners.


The French Union of Industries of Paper, Board and Cellulose (COPACEL) is a trade association representing the French companies producing pulp, paper and paperboard. COPACEL gathers 75 companies, employing more than 14,000 people with a total turnover of nearly 6.5 billion euros.

COPACEL represents the French Paper Industry for all its aspects, and all grades produced (paper and cardboard packaging, graphic papers, sanitary papers, industrial and specialty papers, pulp), raw materials used (wood, recovered paper and cardboard), and the size of companies (SMEs and subsidiaries of large groups).


The regional technical partner for your company’s sustainable development. Created in 1989 on the initiative of the region’s agri-foodstuff industrialists, this not-for-profit association provides support for their technical projects to promote economic development.

Éco Entreprise Québec

 Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) is a private non-profit organization that represents the companies that place containers, packaging and printed matter on the market in Québec in their responsibility to finance the costs of effective and efficient municipal curbside recycling services.

As an expert, ÉEQ optimizes the curbside recycling value chain and implements innovative approaches with a view to sustainable development and circular economy. 


ELIPSO (French Plastic and Flexible Packaging Association)

Elipso’s members are plastic packaging and flexible packaging manufacturers, recycling companies and logistics firms. Elipso’s goal is to promote the plastic and flexible packaging industry, with the belief that company’s individual performance benefits from a collective approach.

EUROPEN (The European Organization for Packaging and the Environment)

The European Organization for Packaging and the Environment est une organisation industrielle et commerciale européenne, ouverte à toute société intéressée par le domaine de l’emballage et des produits emballés.


Set up in 1952, EUROSAC is the association of the European paper sack manufacturers for the promotion and development of the paper sack industry in Europe.

EVOLIS, regroupement du CISMA (syndicat des équipements de construction, infrastructures, sidérurgie et de manutention) et PROFLUID (Association Française des Pompes et Agitateurs, des Compresseurs et de la Robinetterie) est une organisation professionnelle répondant aux dispositions de la loi du 21 mars 1884 relative à la création des syndicats professionnels. Elle est affiliée à la Fédération des Industries Mécaniques (FIM).

National federation of French families (Fédération Nationale Familles de France)

The “National federation of French families” association was founded in 1921, before being state-approved by decree on May 14th 1935. It is recognized as a national consumer organization, a national association for popular education, a national training center, and an association recognized by the Department of Education as complementary to public education by the Department of Education.

Its goal is to “defend the material and ethical interests of families”


FEDEREC est le syndicat professionnel des Entreprises du Recyclage. Créée en 1945, FEDEREC fédère 1 250 entreprises de recyclage, de la TPE au grand groupe, répartis sur l’ensemble du territoire français et dont l’activité consiste à la collecte, le tri, la valorisation matière des déchets industriels et ménagers ou le négoce/courtage de matières premières recyclées. FEDEREC est structurée en 13 filières et 8 Syndicats régionaux.

FHER est la Fédération Hygiène et Entretien Responsable. Elle est la seule organisation qui représente les industriels fabriquant et commercialisant les produits destinés à laver, nettoyer, entretenir, maintenir dans l’état d’hygiène nécessaire, le linge, la vaisselle et l’ensemble des surfaces que ce soit dans les foyers, dans les collectivités ou dans l’industrie.

A travers ses 5 syndicats nationaux, la FIPEC représente les industries des peintures, enduits, vernis (SIPEV), des encres d’imprimerie (AFEI), des couleurs pour l’art, le loisir et l’enseignement (AFCALE), des colles, adhésifs et mastics (AFICAM) et des produits pour la préservation du bois (SPB).

FNE (France Nature Environnement)

The FNE group represents a citizen movement that gathers around 3000 associations for the protection of nature and the environment, in France and its overseas territories. With this large territorial network, it can always sound the alarm when the environment is endangered.

Founded in 1968 and state-approved since 1976, France Nature Environnement is a non-profit organization, independent of any company, authority, political or religious.


France Aluminium Recyclage, in cooperation with Eco-Emballages, guarantees the re-using of aluminum packaging waste, after it has been collected by the local authorities. France Aluminium Recyclage helps local authorities to estimate their potential and develop their aluminum collection project, whether by selective collection and sorting, or after incineration. France Aluminium Recyclage helps choosing the necessary equipment, developing a method and implementing it (monitoring, assessment). France Aluminium Recyclage informs and trains the persons concerned by this approach.


The GEPPIA is a french trade association for food processing and packaging OEMs. It represents more than 90 companies.

The Geppia’s aim is to unite them to help them develop their synergisms, their technical, economical and commercial performances.

ILEC (French Consumer Industries Liaison and Studies Institute)

The French Consumer Industries Liaison and Institute, founded in 1959, is a non-profit-making organization. It gathers some of the biggest groups that sell nationally and internationally well-known brand products. These companies are present in all the major food and non-food production sectors and share the same concern for excellence in innovation, manufacturing and consumer service.


INCPEN is a research organisation, which draws together an influential group of companies who share a vision of the future where all production, distribution, and consumption are sustainable.


INDP : Institut National du Design Packaging

Interlocuteur privilégié de l’ensemble des acteurs de la création packaging, l’Institut National du Design Packaging est une association loi 1901 créée par des professionnels de l’emballage. Seul organisme fédérateur de la filière qu’il représente, il a pour vocation de contribuer au développement des activités de création et de design liées à la fabrication d’emballages, de faire reconnaître et de valoriser les pratiques de création industrielle, de favoriser les rencontres et les échanges dans le but, notamment, d’anticiper les tendances et de favoriser l’innovation.


Japan Packaging Institute

With the doctrine of “Challenging the future of packaging by means of originality and ingenuity”, the juridical foundation, Japan Packaging Institute, has been promoting the rationalization of production and distribution as well as consumption through improvement and elevation of the packaging technique and thereby contributing to the progress of Japan’s economy.

The results of such efforts range broad from the investigation and research of packaging to the preparation and formulation of standards, the holding of study meetings, seminars, assemblies, symposiums, etc., the fostering of capable packaging specialists, the sending and acceptance of observation groups to and from overseas and so forth. All of these results have highly been evaluated in various industreis.

It is expected that the internationalization of Japan’s economy will more and more be enhanced and packages of better quality and lower costs will become important in all stages including distribution . At the same time, such specialists as may be able to consider the problem of packaging based on all fields of enterprise management, distribution and production, will be essential to settle the above-mentioned problems.

Korea Environment Corporation - KPRC

K-eco aims to contribute to eco-friendly development of Korea through the effective operation of greenhouse gas reduction programs to prevent environmental pollution, improve the environment, facilitate resource recycling and respond to climate change. (Law No.11446, the K-eco Act) 



Léko is an eco-organization approved by the French government responsible for managing the Extended Producer Responsibility of companies producing or importing packaged products and graphic paper into France, for the management of household packaging and graphic paper. As such, Léko is authorized to collect eco-contributions from these companies, called “Producers”, in proportion to the quantities of packaging and paper placed on the French market each year (article L541-10 of the French Environment Code).

Laboratoire National de métrologie et d'Essais - LNE

By developing new measurement techniques and methods and applying them via appropriate standards in all spheres of daily life, LNE plays a key role in promoting a more competitive economy and a safer society. This core activity covers five key spheres – research and technology transfer, testing and calibration, technical assistance, certification, training and informing – and addresses the five major priorities: safety and health, environmental impact, performance, product reliability, and cost control.

MEDDTL (French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing)

Website of the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing

Create your brand’s future

Be innovative, be creative, and be connected at Paris Packaging Week, the award-winning packaging festival for beauty and personal care, premium drinks, aerosols and luxury products.
Paris Packaging Week’s four exhibitions – ADF, PCD, PLD and Packaging Première – help thousands of brands like yours create their next product launch.
How? By connecting you with the latest innovations, the world’s best suppliers and the latest expert insights on design, sustainability and innovation.
Discover the show – and create the future of your brand.

More informations: CLICK HERE


PEFC is an international NGO whose goal is to preserve forests, to guarantee respect for those who live there, work there and walk there, but also to sustain the forest resource to meet human wood needs today and for the future.

PIK PIK Environnement

PIK PIK ENVIRONNEMENT Non profit Association, of general interest, which aims at the education in the eco-citizenship and in the urban environment


Polyvia est l’organisation professionnelle principale représentative des transformateurs de polymères sur l’ensemble du territoire national. Aujourd’hui, elle rassemble et représente plus de 3 500 entreprises, soit près de 122 000 salariés, principalement issus de PME partout sur le territoire national 


Qualitropic is a competitiveness cluster. Not only that, it is the only one of the French Overseas Departments. But what’s more?
It is a place of exchange, beginnings, project launches; a real innovation accelerator!
It is also an independent body which unites different entities (mostly companies) around one shared topic of interest: “tropical bioeconomics,” in order to further competitiveness, performance, and economic development.


Europe’s leading distributor of packaging, supplies and equipment for businesses


Association founded by the paperboard packaging industry, is in charge of the management of its commitments concerning the management of the end of life of paperboard packaging and particularly household packaging within the ERP system (Eco-Emballages / Adelphe).


Syndicat des Entreprises de Commerce International de Matériels d’Emballage, Process, Marquage, et Contrôle – today gathers approx. 40 members representing famous brands in our industries: Food, Non Food or Pharmaceutical/Cosmetic industries.
All together their turnover exceeds 400 million euros with more than 160 trademarks sold on national and international territories.
These companies are active in the processing and packaging markets: primary, secondary to casepacking and palletization. They also propose equipment for printing, marking, traceability or all types of control equipment.
Our mission:
• Federate a profession: all suppliers of equipment for processing, packaging, controlling, traceability or marking in France or outside France.
• Inform the members in order to adapt to legal changes.
• Collect market statistics in order to measure the market.
• Promote the members and their product range through our web site.
• Propose dedicated training sessions for management or engineers to provide comprehensive information regarding security and productivity matters.
• Gather the expertise on following subjects: social rights and collective agreement, fiscal and juridical rights, technical regulations including hygiene and security rules, statistics, environment or international trade.
• Defend the interests of the members at trade fairs and in front of the professional press. 

SNFBM (Syndicat National des Fabricants de Boites emballages et bouchages Métalliques)

The SNFBM is a professional trade union set up in 1915. Its members are manufacturers of metal boxes, packaging and bottle caps and stoppers. Metal packaging means rigid steel or aluminum packaging, designed for household consumption.

TCGF (The Consumer Goods Forum)


Valorplast organizes the recycling of plastic bottles collected by local authorities in France. It operates within the framework of the French household packaging waste management system, run by companies authorized by Eco-Emballages and Adelphe.


Verre Avenir is the Communication Department of the French Mechanical Glassworks Union.Set up in 1980, its mission is to promote glass packaging and its recycling among the public, inform local authorities on all aspects of recycling, provide them the communication tools they need, organize special operations to improve people’s knowledge of recycling and encourage them to recycle glass packaging by following quality instructions and run the network of regional delegates created by the glass manufacturers.

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Conseil National de l’Emballage

40 Boulevard Malesherbes – 75008 PARIS

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Tel : (+33) 153 648 030