1-  Can you tell us a little about your position at Amazon?

My role is to ensure that our customers are satisfied with the packaging of their orders. We use technology and innovation to reduce packaging as much as possible, and when possible, we deliver without any additional packaging. This means less use of resources, but also less waste for recycling. In this way, we improve deliveries for our customers, while contributing to a more sustainable future.

2- You were a speaker at our July 11, 2024 CNE PACK ESSENTIEL conference on “Packaging & empty space “

What are the key takeaways from Amazon’s packaging strategy?

As a leading online retailer, Amazon has been committed for many years to optimizing its packaging for the benefit of both its customers and the environment.

We are committed to delivering our customers’ orders in packaging that guarantees the safety of their items, while minimizing waste and the use of resources. Since 2015, we have reduced the average weight of our packaging by 43% per shipment, avoiding the use of over 3 million metric tons of packaging materials.

Our packaging strategy focuses on two main areas: eliminating unnecessary packaging through our “Shipped without Amazon Additional Packaging (SIPP)” program, and optimizing necessary packaging by favoring lightweight and recyclable materials. One in two Amazon shipments in Europe is now delivered without cardboard, in reduced and recyclable packaging, such as paper bags or cardboard envelopes, or even without any overpacking at all, for 700 million shipments since 2019.

To achieve this, we are using machine learning, exploring innovative new materials and collaborating with select partners. This strategy helps to reduce the volume of waste generated and the weight of packaging, thus contributing to the reduction of our carbon emissions. We are also working to improve the recyclability of our packaging to make sorting easier for our customers.

Ultimately, our customers are at the heart of our thinking. They expect us to take the necessary steps to protect the environment, while meeting their needs.

3- What did you retain from this morning’s “short” format (topics covered by the speakers in relation to the theme, networking with participants, etc.)?

I very much appreciated the complementary approaches of the other participants, whether in terms of regulations or logistics optimization, in tackling the challenges and solutions associated with empty space management. In particular, I appreciated the emphasis placed by several speakers on the notion of shared responsibility between brands and consumers in making environmental choices.

In my opinion, the format would gain in dynamism by limiting the speaking time of each speaker to around 15 minutes, in order to privilege questions from the audience for a more interactive experience. I would have liked more time at the end of the session for open discussion and exchange.

4- What topical issues does Amazon consider to be priorities, and which the CNE could investigate through working groups or other means of communication for the benefit of Just Packaging?

Our packaging research and innovation priorities include: the mechanization and robotization of packaging, the development of new recyclable, biobased and biodegradable packaging materials, new recycling technologies, the exploration of reusable packaging solutions…

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