In a few words, could you tell us about your job and the missions of Familles de France?
I currently am an executive of the national federation Familles de France. I actively participate in the running of the organization.
The “Fédération Nationale Familles de France“, also known as FAMILLES DE FRANCE, is the result of an organization founded in 1921: The National Federation of Large Families.
The federation of associations of large families in France was recognized as public service by the decree of May 14, 1935. (Decree of May 14, 1935 JORF of June 2, 1935)
During the General Assembly of June 27th 1947, the organizations associated with La Plus Grande Famille and the Confédération Générale des Familles joined together under the same name of “Fédération des Familles de France du jeune foyer à la famille nombreuse“.
Its goal is to defend the material and ethical concerns of families within the context of the social and family action code, particularly in articles L211, which establishes the following points:
1° Give their opinion to the public authorities on family matters and suggest measures that appear to be in the material and moral interests of families;
2° Officially represent all families in front of the public authorities and appoint family delegates to the various councils, assemblies or other bodies set up by the State, the region, the department or the district;
3° Manage any service of family interest that public authorities deem necessary to entrust them with;
4° Practice before all courts of law, without having to justify an approval or a prior authorization from the public authority.
To carry out the missions given by the code of social action and families, the Fédération Familles de France has been divided into 5 areas of activity:
– “Family Policy, Health, Disability, Sustainable Development” department;
– “Federal and Associative Life, Training” department;
– “Consumption and Housing” department;
– “Housing” department;
– “Family life, Parenthood, Education, Europe” department.
Can you explain the main topics covered by Familles de France?
The national federation Familles de France has been approved as part of public service since 1935. It was approved by :
– National consumer protection organization, (Order of 12/09/1975) renewed for 5 years by decree in the Official Journal of 18 October 2020;
– National youth and popular education organization, (Order of 15/07/1982);
– National organization representing patients in hospital or public health bodies (First issued on 30/11/2016 and renewed for five years, starting on 7 December 2021, JORF of 20/06/2021);
– Familles de France is registered by the Direccte d’Ile-de-France (French regional administration of businesses, work and employment) concurrently as a training organization (N° 11 75 35380 75, issued on July 19, 1991).
The national federation puts these decrees into practice as the head of the network. It encourages these conventions so that action may be taken up by our network of members (departmental federations and directly associated organizations).
More information available on our website https://www.familles-de-france.org/fr,
To learn more about our goals: https://www.familles-de-france.org/fr/familles-de-france/identite#81
Which issues should the CNE cover for the benefit of Fair Packaging and of its consumers?
– Cristal clear information: content, nutri-score, recycling, compostability…
– Easy to use: no need for tools to open a package, no over-packaging…
– Packaging without product waste, e.g. glass jar with too sharp angles, tube that never empties completely…
The CNE gives importance to the diversity of opinions around the concept of “Fair Packaging” and especially consumer organizations such as Familles de France.
Exactly. Familles de France can bring to the table the experiences of its consumers.
In order to do so, we need to establish a clear questioning on a precise subject that we could pass on in the form of a survey on our website.
What would you say to the members of other organizations in order to take into account the stakes in question 3?
The partners of other organizations are professionals and discuss subjects with expertise and with terms specific to their jobs.
Sometimes, it would be interesting if these professionals could express more obviously the technical terms of their job.