1- In a few words, could you present your role at Knauf Industries?

 KNAUF INDUSTRIES, a division of the KNAUF group, is a specialist in packing and packaging solutions in different sectors, such as the agri-food and automotive sectors, building, household appliances, industry and health.

We make plastic packaging for the agri-food industry thanks to three technologies: thermoforming, plastic injection and alveolar foams moulding. As Head of Products, I manage all standard and made-to-measure products. I also support our customers in their development by providing them with expertise on their innovation, packaging, environmental and regulatory issues.

Environmental issues are a priority in all our developments.

2- Knauf Industries took part in the workshop “Recycled materials and packaging: state of play, assets, obstacles, stakes and perspectives”:

  • What will you remember from this experience of collective intelligence during the production of the final document?

 From my point of view, collective intelligence encourages the emerging of ideas, the sharing of experiences and good practices. The final document reflects collective work in which the skills and know-how of everyone were pooled.

It is complete and becomes the technical reference. Face to the abundance of documentation, we believe it is important to have an uncontested basis.

  • For Knauf Industries, what are the main strengths and areas of improvement of the management of the French Packaging Association’s (CNE) workshops? (attendance, moderating debates, reports, speaking time…)

 The workshops of the CNE deal with topical subjects that concern us directly. Participating in those workshops is a way to have an overall view of the packaging sector, all materials and sectors combined. It is also important to us to represent the plastic industry and to take part in debates.

Our purpose after those workshops is also to be able to reuse the published documents.

3- What are the topical subjects judged as priorities by Knauf Industries that the CNE could investigate in workshops or any other communication mode (information mornings, etc.)?

 As packaging producers, how can we encourage the consumer to take part in the management of packaging after consumption? This is a serious matter because packaging is perceived as a problem by the consumer, when it is actually a solution. This requires information and above all communication with the agri-food industry and the consumers.

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