Practical information: Eco-design of packaged products

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The French Packaging Council (CNE) provides a methodological guide to make thedesigning of packaged products easier and to reduce their impact on the environmentduring their life cycle. Practical information: Eco-design…

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Practical Information: Recycled materials and packaging

The French Packaging Council establishes a state of play regarding the use of recycled materials from closed (for the production of new packaging) or open loop packaging recycling. Practical Information: Recycled…

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Practical Information: Packaging after its use

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Being concerned, involved, committed The French Packaging Council wishes to remind that the packaging usually used is a resource before becoming waste. Moreover, circular economy must be regarded as an…

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Practical information: Packaging & Content Compatibility

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The French Packaging Council wishes to remind the fundamentals of the packaging-content compatibility, essential to the security and the advertised quality of the packaged product. Download: Packaging-content compatibility Download the…

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Practical information: Packaging for all ages

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A product/packaging pairing suitable for everyone: regardless of age or impairmentThe French Packaging Council considers that the development of the product/packaging pairing shouldbenefit all users and should be designed for…

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