Nowadays, at a time when sustainable development, CSR (corporate social responsibility), the need for citizens to find a meaning to consumption and the economic crisis are major issues, marketing suggestions for bulk products have been developing.
Bulk sales are sometimes described to marketers and product users as an economical solution (the products are cheaper) and a green one as well (it excludes primary packaging and, as a consequence, the consumer does not need to deal with any packaging waste).
The CNE wants to clearly identify the issue and has started a new working group to this end.
The working group will offer thoughts to add to the discussion and will provide information on the best practices in the field. The CNE wishes to remind everyone that we need to think in terms of use value and the entire packaging system of a product because it would be simplistic to think only in terms of primary packaging.
Please find its summary in 2 pages: CNE Practical Information
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