The French Packaging Council federates within an association ” law 1901 ” all the actors of the value chain of the packaging of consumer goods in France. With the same founder of Citeo (ex EcoEmballages), the CNE is a moral authority of independent thinking which operates for more than 20 years for ” the best of the packaging ” and for the ” right packaging “. Best practices and position papers of the CNE are in free access in French and in English on the website. Thanks to the numerous experts of its members and to its well-balanced publications, The CNE is recognized by the ADEME and by the public authorities as the privileged interlocutor when we speak about the packaging of products.
Why to become a member in the CNE?
– To make your voice heard and influence the choice of the working themes of the CNE
– To collaborate by your expertise in the elaboration of best practice written in documents and position paper published every year by the CNE
How to become a member in the CNE?
– Or by means of a professional organization which is already a member in the CNE
– Or by direct membership as member or associate member
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