1- Could you tell us about your position and the missions/activities of Coca-Cola EuroPacific Partners France?
An AgroParisTech agronomist, I began my career 20 years ago in biotech and then in the food industry. Very involved in industrial, commercial and financial development issues, in France and internationally, at Danone and Nestlé, and for the past 15 years at Coca-Cola Europacific Partners France (CCEP). Since 2017, I’ve been in charge of sustainable packaging strategy and the circular economy, before becoming Sustainable Development Director last spring. I also recently had the chance to attend the Cycle des Hautes Études de Développement Économique (CHEDE), sponsored by the French Ministry of the Economy and Finance, on the major issues of economic development and sovereignty in France. From a corporate point of view, CCEP produces and markets the brands of The Coca-Cola Company. With 2.500 employees and 5 plants in France, our products are distributed to consumers in nearly 400.000 points of sale.
2- At the end of 2023, you joined the CNE as an administrator of its 1st college (Consumer goods companies and their suppliers): could you tell us what motivates Coca-Cola (through ILEC) to support the CNE and its actions?
I’m delighted to be joining the CNE as an administrator. I’d like to thank the CNE and ILEC for their confidence. The challenge is to be able to continue to promote the CNE’s actions, in line with the reality of today’s challenges for brands and companies, across the entire packaging value chain. From sourcing, to eco-design, to production, via the supply chain, while accelerating on the critical issues of the circular economy (recycling and reuse), by promoting dialogue between stakeholders.
3- Can you tell us about Coca-Cola’s initiatives in support of the CNE’s Right Packaging policy?
CCEP’s vision has always been to offer brands that are loved, designed and manufactured sustainably. We are committed to the climate, investing to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030, and aiming to fully decarbonize our activities by 2040, across the entire value chain. Packaging has a key role to play, accounting for 47% of our emissions in France. Our actions to reduce, recycle and reuse packaging are designed to meet this challenge, and we can already boast a number of excellent achievements (-21% PET tonnage between 2010 and 2020, replacement of grouping film by a cardboard clip for our cans, development of bulk fountains, a 100% returnable glass range for the horeca sector, reuse experiments in 250 supermarket outlets, etc.).
As 2024 is an Olympic year, and for the first time in the history of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Coca-Cola is reinventing itself to meet the challenges of the ecological transition: with Paris 2024, we are changing the beverage distribution model, offering beverages to millions of spectators in returnable and reusable cups, with a zero waste objective and the assurance that all our containers will be collected, recycled or reused.
4- The CNE listens to its members and organizes 3 working groups each year, either in connection with current events or in anticipation of them. What themes could the CNE investigate that would make sense for Coca-Cola?
As the challenges of the circular economy are highly strategic, I think it’s important to continue investigating the themes of recycling and reuse.